If you have selected your web hosting provider, the next step is to make a decision on the most suitable web hosting packages that your hosting provider offers. Before taking a decision, you have to consider certain requirements that are necessary for the proper running of a website. This article will guide you to select the best web hosting package for your website.
Web Hosting Packages: Is that So Important for My Website?
Yes, of course, selecting a hosting will not complete the whole process of web hosting because the web hosting packages also play a crucial part in the website performance and stability.
Before purchasing a web hosting package, you need to analyze that the selected package is enough for hosting your website according to server reliability, package upgrade options, refund policy, good control panel, customer support, etc.
To fulfill your web hosting requirements, you need to compare the web hosting packages with your website requirements to avoid complications in future.
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To assess the exact requirements of your website, you have to consider the following five questions/factors:
What do you prefer, the Price or Service Quality?
If you are looking for cheap hosting packages that allow you to host many websites for few dollars, then I’m sorry to say that your website won’t get good performance and stability. Becuase, all of your hosting resources are shared equally to your all websites you have installed on your web hosting.
Another point that I have to mention is that If they are providing hosting for a low price, I’m sure that they are limiting your website performance as well as useful features. If your intention is to run your website seriously, then don’t give priority to the pricing, rather pay more attention to the service quality and features they are providing on your web hosting package. To be frank, pricing is always secondary to me.
What is the Purpose of Your Website?
The purpose of a website is an import factor in choosing suitable web hosting package. Recently I have published an article on the need of a website. You must have a clean picture of the exact purpose creating the website.
If you are about to build a website for just showcasing your work portfolio or resume, then I’ll say, high-cost web hosting packages are not a good option. That will result in a huge loss of money.
But if you are planning to create a dynamic website or blog for a vast number of visitors, then it is better to consider a most effective web hosting package to maintain the optimum website performance.
How Much will be Your Estimated Website Traffic?
Another important factor that you have to consider for choosing a web hosting package is about your website traffic estimation. Normally, we won’t get significant traffic in the initial launch of the website. So, it is good to start with a basic plan that can handle a little amount of traffic.
In future, you can upgrade your plan based on the number of monthly traffic you are getting to your website. Most of the web hosting providers allow you to upgrade your plan without causing any downtime to your website.
If you are planning to migrate your popular website to an another hosting provider, you have to do a traffic estimation before considering web hosting packages. Google Analytics is a good option to calculate your website traffic estimation.
If you have a decent number of daily visits, then find a better web hosting package that covers enough resources like Disk Space, RAM, and CPU.
Which Website Platform You are Going to Use?
A platform is one of the most important aspects that you need to take into consideration before choosing a best web hosting package. Platform means the software or script that are used to develop your website. You need to install your website script on the web hosting for making your website online.
For blogging, most of the webmasters are preferring WordPress, Joomla, Drupal, etc. For discussion/support forums, we use vBulletin, Xenforo, phpBB etc. So, you have to make sure that your website script will be fully compatible with your web hosting package.
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Most of the hosting companies mention the script compatibility within the web hosting packages. But, if you are going to install a custom script that is not listed on the package, then it is better to confirm the compatibility with your hosting provider via chat/email support.
It is always recommended to choose a web hosting provider that supports multiple platforms.
How Many Websites You are Going to Host?
The number of websites that you are going to host is a key element that you need to consider while choosing a web hosting package. If you are going to host more than one website, you need to find a web hosting package that allows you to install more than one domain.
Usually, this option will be displayed in the name of “Add-on Domains”. Every hosting comes with a Primary Domain. Extra domains that you are going to host is called Add-on Domains. If your web hosting package allows three add-on domains, that means you can host four websites (1 Primary Domain + 3 Add-on Domains).
For each website, you need a database and database user. Therefore, confirm that your web hosting package allows you to include all of your domains.
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Does Your Web Hosting Package Have All the Essential Features?
Before placing the order, confirm whether your web hosting package has all the fundamental features to manage your website properly.
The important features include cPanel, Database Support (MySQL, PostsgreSQL, etc.), Shell Access, Cron Jobs, Automatic Website Backup, One Click Script Installation, DNS management system, etc.
If you are not aware of choosing the suitable web hosting package based on your website requirement, then it may end up in many issues. That’s why I’m recommending not to concentrate on the pricing of the web hosting packages.
Before selecting the best web hosting package, make sure that your website is fully compatible with the features of your selected web hosting package. If you need any assistance regarding web hosting packages, feel free to start a thread in our hosting forums category, or you can just comment on this article.
Hi Akhil,
Thank you for this wonderful article. This article will be very useful for newbies who are confused in choosing a suitable web hosting plan for their website.
Good work!
Keep publishing more useful articles.
Thanks, Mirjas!
I’m glad you found my article useful.