Today we are going to see a detailed infographic article on SSD Hosting vs HDD Hosting. Are you searching for a best hosting provider for hosting your website? Before starting a comparison between hosting providers, let me give you a suggestion: You have to consider a web hosting provider that provides SSD hosting for their customers. If you are still using the traditional hosting features for your website, then it’s time to change your hosting provider. Okay, let me show you a detailed comparison between SSD hosting vs HDD hosting.
HDD Hosting:
HDD means Hard Disk Drive. HDD hosting is the traditional hosting service that most of the hosting providers are still providing to the customers. The main reason for using the HDD drives in hosting is only because of its cost! Yes, HDD drives are very cheap and easy to implement. This allows hosting providers to buy a large amount of space at a very low price. So, hosting companies can give UNLIMITED space to the customers for their needs. HDD drives have moving parts. Because of this, as compared to the SSD drives, the durability of HDD is very low. In addition to that, the disk defragmentation, booting time, noise, and disk failure rates are also very higher than the SSD drives.
SSD Hosting:
SSD means Solid State Drives. SSD drives are 300% faster than HDD drives. SSD drives don’t have any moving parts like hard disk drives. So, the durability of SSD drives is very high. Another noticeable feature of Solid State Drives are, they don’t need defragmentation. This means, the read-write speed of these drives is much faster than the traditional hard disk drives. If you are on an SSD Hosting, then your website will load faster than you think!
Now, Check out this video for getting more details on SSD vs HDD comparison:
SSD Hosting vs HDD Hosting Infographic:
Recently, I saw a useful infographic article on ServerCake India’s blog. ServerCake India is the one of the Best SSD hosting provider in India. Let me share that infographic for you. ServerCake has clearly explained the most of the features need to be analyzed for SSD hosting vs HDD hosting. From this infographic, you can take a decision on choosing a best hosting provider for your website!
Conclusion – SSD Hosting vs HDD Hosting:
I’m highly recommending SSD hosting for your website. Because SSD drives are very faster, secure and durable drives. They can give you a hundred times faster-hosting performance for your website than the normal hosting. No one loves a slow website. If you want to make your website faster than your competitors, then SSD Hosting is a right choice.
What’s your opinion about SSD hosting? Have you heard about SSD Web Hosting? Please post your comments about SSD Hosting vs HDD Hosting on the comment section.
This is very good infographic. Looks like SSD is much better than HDD.
Thanks for sharing this infographic.
Thanks you Kiran. Thank you for spending your valuable time to comment here.
Hello Akhil
Nice article, the inforgraphic is very useful to find the difference between the SSD hosting and regular harddisk web hosting services.
Looking forward to your more articles.
Hello Mridul!
Welcome to WebWacko and thank you for reading our article on SSD Hosting vs HDD Hosting!
I’m glad to know that you like the article.
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In YouTube video you have shared a best difference b/w SSD hosting and HDD hosting. When anyone watch this video, then he/she will easily understand the difference b/w both. Thanks for sharing.
I absolutely share your opinion about SSD hosting. Since I’ve started using an SSD web hosting plan by BGOcloud my website has become faster, my bounce rate has decreased, and I’ve managed to increase revenues by nearly 40%. I recommend that everyone opt for hosting which includes solid-state drives.
Thank you for such informative article. My knowledge of ssd hosting vs hdd hosting has increased